September 8, 2024
Liestman Families:
I hope this communication finds you enjoying the beautiful weather in your favorite space or place with love ones. This week marks the introduction of several new school structures including the beginning of morning tutorials (7:55-8:25), 3rd & 4th grade student PLC (students meet with Mrs. Bonilla, our counselor, and myself; 1x a month), and the grand opening of our student school store (organized and operated by our school volunteers). In addition to this, we have numerous family engagment activities lined up (read below) for the week.
Families will find a new feature in this edition which addresses student attendance. I will share with you on a weekly basis our current enrollment count, our average daily attendance for the week, and total revenue lost due to student absences. Like your household budget, Liestman's budget is dependent on income. Income for schools comes from student attendance. More over, days lost also represent lost opportunitiies to learn for our students. Please send your child(ren) to school everyday to ensure that they are learning so as to meet end of year expectations for promotion.
Finally, pay attention to the weather as our region is expecting lots of rain midweek.
School is definitely underway, the Liestman way...have a great week!
Mr. Galindo, Principal