Texas Bluebonnet Books Program
Every year, the Liestman Library has available the books from the current Master List of the Texas Bluebonnet Program. To be eligible to vote for the favorite book in January, students from 3rd and 4th grades must have read at least five of the current nominated books (or have the books read aloud to them).
The 20 nominated books are chosen each year as the “Texas Bluebonnet Award Master List” by the TBA selection committee. The author of the book receiving the most votes statewide is declared the winner of the Texas Bluebonnet Award.
The Texas Bluebonnet Award reading program was established in 1979 by the Texas Library Association to promote reading. The master list has various genres for grades 3 through 6.
Many resources are available on TBA’s Word Press website to learn more about the books in the current the master list, including book reviews, videos, Reader’s Advisory, and Book Talk (activities vary). Additional resources are available on this website, including a student reading log and student reading chart for readers to chart their progress.
Liestman 3rd and 4th graders voted in January 2022.
The Liestman winner was ACT by Kayla Millerl
The Texas winner of the 2022 Texas Bluebonnet Award is....The Oldest Student: How Mary Walker Learned to Read, written by Rita Lorrain Hubbard and illustrated by Oge Mora.

The 2022-2023 master list is available at 2022-2023 Texas Bluebonnet Award Master List Released.